Partnered with the Kendall County Special Education Cooperative (KCSEC) administrators and district administrators to enhance the programming for students with behavioral, social, and emotional needs.
Collaborated with KCSEC's Opportunity School staff to update and revamp the elementary programming.
Presented Strategies for Facilitating and Supporting Inclusive Practices for the Challenging Student for the Illinois Association of School Social Workers (IASSW).
Presented Enhancing student engagement in the classroom environment to Easter Seals, Inc.
Presented Providing Dynamic Instruction to the Challenging Student to the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (IL CEC).
Presented Changing the Classroom Structure to Enhance Student Success for the Illinois Council for Children with Behavior Disorders (ILCCBD).
Hosted workshops for Oswego School District 308 including:
Behavioral and Academic Strategies to Enhance Student Success.
Working Through Challenging Behaviors and Academic Needs.