What we have Achieved

  • Partnered with the Kendall County Special Education Cooperative (KCSEC) administrators and district administrators to enhance the programming for students with behavioral, social, and emotional needs.
  • Collaborated with KCSEC's Opportunity School staff to update and revamp the elementary programming.
  • Presented Strategies for Facilitating and Supporting Inclusive Practices for the Challenging Student for the Illinois Association of School Social Workers (IASSW).
  • Presented Enhancing student engagement in the classroom environment to Easter Seals, Inc.
  • Presented Providing Dynamic Instruction to the Challenging Student to the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (IL CEC).
  • Presented Changing the Classroom Structure to Enhance Student Success for the Illinois Council for Children with Behavior Disorders (ILCCBD).
  • Hosted workshops for Oswego School District 308 including:
    • Behavioral and Academic Strategies to Enhance Student Success.
    • Working Through Challenging Behaviors and Academic Needs.


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